Because of evolving technologies, a significant number of small companies simply do not understand how to manage their E-commerce operations. Economic realities prevent small companies having professional, experienced IT personnel on staff. Epochbg has developed a program to improve your E-commerce results and is performance-fee based so if you're not making money neither are we!
Today 55% of online shoppers in the US start their online shopping by directly going to Amazon. And before making an online purchase 84% of US shoppers will eventually search Amazon. Therefore to be successful online you must be successful on Amazon.
Another current statistic is only 28% of US online shoppers now start with Google search.
And since our Amazon Marketplace Program is performance-fee based our interests are completely aligned your interests.
One last thing.
We have worked with over 80 brands and manufacturers with a track record that speaks for itself. Contact us for a free consultation and evaluation. Because we are performance-fee based we will honestly tell you whether we can bring value to your online retailing operation or not.