Google Tools For Your Online Site
Google Tools For Your Online Site
Google Analytics
Google Analytics (GA) is a free web analytics service that provides statistics and basic analytical tools for search engine optimization (SEO) and marketing purposes.
GA is used to track website performance and collect visitor insights.
The way to learn GA is to just start using it. Its not complicated and you will pick it up quickly.
Here is the link to the GA
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
All the functions described below are on the left hand side of the GA screen in the various menus.
Bounce Rate
The percentage of visitors to a particular website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page.
If higher than 50% there is a problem.
"A Rising Bounce Rate Is A Sure Sign That Your Homepage Is Boring Or Off-Putting"
Average Duration and Page Views Per Visit
You want to track how long the average visitor spends on your site. And how many pages on average a visitor will click to.
A low average duration or a low number of pages visited indicates the visitors attention or interest was captured.
Q: What is a good average time on page Google Analytics?
A: 62 seconds
Average Order Value (AOV)
The Average Order Value (AOV) is the average value of your products per order. Does not include value of tax or shipping. For E-commerce stores your optimum AOV is $72. $226 AOV per customer is what the 10% of E-Commerce stores achieve. This is across all industries and niches. If your AOV is less than $33 you are on the bottom 10% of E-Commerce stores revenue wise.
AOV Stats For Shopify Stores 2021
Conversion Rate
In Google Analytics, the conversion rate is calculated as the number of conversions (completed transactions) divided by the number of sessions, times 100.
For example: Let's say you had 3 sales in 100 visits. Your conversion rate therefore is 3/100 or 3%.
Average E-Commerce stores across all industries average roughly 3-5%. If your conversion rate is less than that, generally speaking, it indicates the customer (visitor) is not being properly motivated to make the purchase.
There are many possible reasons for this. Common ones are:
- Site is not properly or pleaseningly designed
- Products are not considered desireable to due quality or price
- Brand just is not trustworthy
- Same product or similar product found else where at a better value (ie Amazon, etc.)
Average Conversion Rate Per Marketing Channel
In Google Analytics, Filters are used to segment the data into smaller groups. Filters can be used to include only specific subsets of traffic, exclude unwanted data, or search and replace certain pieces of information.
Let's say you only want to view traffic from your target country. You can exlclude all traffic originating from countries other than your own.
Or you can filter out IP addresses such as your business office (employees), or other common non-customer visitors that are not customers.
Not properly filtering out unwanted traffic skews your data.
Go to settings / view / filters to add or edit the type of filters desired.
Demographics (Age, Gender, and Interests)
GA's demographics functions analyze users by age, gender, and interest categories.
Demographics and interests data provides information about the age and gender of your users, along with the interests they express through their online travel and purchasing activities.
To utlize GA's demographic data reporting you must specifically enable the function.
Here is the link to Google Support showing how to enable and use GA's demographic functions:
Geographic (Where Your Visitors Are Visting From)
Organize your data around your company's geographic regions.
Geographical data enables the mapping of geographical IDs to custom regions, allowing you to report on and analyze your Analytics data in ways that are better aligned with your business' organization.
In other words, you can see where the site's visits are coming from. You can then filter out locations you're not interested in and focus on the areas you are.
You can set this function to continent, country, metro area, and city.
Devices Used (Desktop, Mobile, Tablet)
It's important to see what kind of devices visitors are using when coming to your site.
How's does your site look and function when using a desktop, a tablet, or a mobile device (smart phone)
It's important to note purchases made with a mobile device are now common place and equal if not surpass purchases made on a desktop.
Secondary Dimensions
Secondary dimensions are where you can drill down further on reviewing your data.
For example, when looking at traffic from a particular geographic area, you can add a secondary dimension to see what landing or exit page that visit from that area involved.
Search Console – Its How Google Sees Your Site
Search Console tools and reports help you measure your site's Search traffic and performance, fix issues, and make your site shine in Google Search results.
Optimize your content with Search Analytics and see which queries bring users to your site. Analyze your site's impressions, clicks, and position on Google Search.
Get your content on Google. Submit sitemaps and individual URLs for crawling. Review your index coverage to make sure that Google has the freshest view of your site.
Here is the link to Search Console:
Don’t Forget Getting Indexed On Bing
This is Bing's version of Search Console. Here is the link for Bing:
Google Explore/Trends
See what is trending and Where With What Search Terms. Select date ranges and geographic location.
Here’s the link: