Do You Have A Beauty Or CBD Website?
Epoch BG's Focused Retail Group On Shopify, WordPress, And Amazon Specializes Beauty And Supplement Brands.
On Amazon Alone Our Retail Group has Generated Over $400MM In Sales.
We Are Always Seeking Brands To Join Our Group.
Epoch BG's Focused Retail Group On Shopify, WordPress, And Amazon Specializes Beauty And Supplement Brands.
Did You Know
- Brands typically have not indexed their websites on Google and Bing. This will kill the volume of incoming traffic.
- Brands typically do not use Analytics to manage sales on their websites. This is basically running blind.
- Online customers searching for skin care products are more likely to search for product ingredients rather than skin conditions. That is why skin care websites SEO are often off the mark.
- Online customers searching for products are seeking products they trust in terms of potency and purity. This is particularly true for skin care and CBD products.
- CBD brands do not recognize their website branding - if the site has a brand message - should target particular demographic (age, gender, etc) groups.
- Paid advertising (Google Ads, fb Ads, CBDebbly) is too expensive for most brands to get the results sought after.
- Online CBD customers ofter search for products near them (ie "CBD near me"). CBD brands often are not aware of Multiple Landing Page marketing systems that are geo-location-centric.
EpochBG's Retail Group Resolves All The Above And More
Epoch BG Partners With Brands To Increase The Group's Sales.
Our Retail Group Has Been On Amazon Since 2006. On Shopify Since 2014.
To Join Our Retail Group Contact Us Or Reply Back To This Email.
Our Retail Group Has Been On Amazon Since 2006. On Shopify Since 2014.
To Join Our Retail Group Contact Us Or Reply Back To This Email.